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Leaving Cert Computer Science: Introduction to the BBC micro:bit 2.11.2021

This event introduces the BBC micro:bit and is a hands-on virtual course. The micro:bit is essentially a programmable computer. The micro:bit is designed by the BBC for use in computer education in the UK and around the world. The micro:bit aligns very well with primary school curricula, Junior Cycle short course and the new Leaving Certificate Computer Science subject. This session is open to complete beginners, from primary to second level, for those who have never used the micro:bit before – essentially a getting started session.

Facilitator: Dr Keith Quille, Department of Computing, Tallaght Campus

Course Properties

Course date 02-11-2021 6:00 pm
Course End Date 02-11-2021 8:00 pm
Cut off date 02-11-2021 4:30 pm
Individual Price Free
Speaker Dr. Keith Quille, Department of Computing,TU Dublin
Number Hours 2
Location Microsoft Teams

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