Navigating the Transition: Supporting Pupils with Additional Needs in Transitioning to Third Level Education both pre and post-entry 17.4.2024
Transitioning to third-level education can be an exciting yet daunting experience for any student, but it can pose unique challenges for pupils with additional needs. It's crucial to ensure that these students have access to appropriate support and resources to help them navigate this transition successfully. This Zoom session is aimed at Teachers/ Parents/Carers/Pupils and will look at the current supports available in Higher Education Institutes both pre and post-entry. It will also address the DARE and HEAR access routes to education.
Facilitator: Angie Costelloe BA, MA - Disability Officer SETU Carlow/Wexford located on the Carlow Campus. Learning Support Officer for 9 years in Carlow, changed roles in 2019 to present. Working with all aspects of disability supports and services provided by the University for students registered with our services both pre and post-entry. Passionate about inclusion both in and out of the classroom. Collaborating with our South Cluster partners, SETU, MTU, and UCC on the PATH 3 Enabling Transitions Assistive Technology (AT)project which is rolling out AT to primary/post-primary and services involved in education. Member of the SETU Disability Forum and Board of Management Wexford Education Support Centre
Course Properties
Course date | 17-04-2024 7:00 pm |
Course End Date | 17-04-2024 8:00 pm |
Cut off date | 17-04-2024 5:00 pm |
Individual Price | Free |
Speaker | Angela Costelloe |
Number Hours | 1 |
Location | ZOOM online |