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057-8672400 |

Using Evidence Based Interventions to Teach Students with SEN (P/PP) 2.12.2024

This webinar is suitable for primary and post primary teachers. When we have set our targets in our Student Support Plans we must now intervene and try make progress to overcome difficulties. We will look at some evidence based resources and examine when they might be useful and how we can use them most effectively in helping students with additional needs. Resources will be outlined and their usefulness evaluated for different needs.
Learning Outcomes:
Participants will be enabled to:
• Understand the importance of evidence-based interventions
• Examine some common interventions used to support students with additional needs
• Examine the SEN padlet as a resource that can be used when working with students with additional needs

The following webinar in this series will follow, each to be booked individually:
- Reviewing the Student Support Plan to Evaluate Progress (Primary & PP) 13.1.25

Facilitator: Annette Ormond, Grad Dip. SEN, M.Ed ASN

Course Properties

Course date 02-12-2024 7:00 pm
Course End Date 02-12-2024 8:30 pm
Cut off date 02-12-2024 4:40 pm
Individual Price Free
Speaker Annette Ormond, Grad Dip. SEN, M.Ed ASN
Number Hours 1.5
Location ZOOM online

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